National Psychiatric Hospital

Master Plan. Georgetown & New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana

National Psychiatric Hospital

National Psychiatric Hospital

The Nycum/Dalhousie team working hands-on with Guyana’s Health Minister

National Psychiatric Hospital
National Psychiatric Hospital

Working with Guyana’s Health Ministry and Dalhousie University’s International Psychiatry Section, Nycum worked to bring best practices to a newly energized mental health program. The master plan and program was based in accommodating traditional (but recently forgotten) uses of the site and transforming the campus over a number of phases. The once fertile landscape, having been damaged by a broken drainage system, integrates environmentally sensitive building strategies in a cohesive plan, ultimately revitalizing the former cricket field and integrating the surrounding cityscape with the hospital grounds.

Photography: William Nycum & Associates Ltd.

Category: Healthcare
